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New type of lift that can be summoned by a foot movement.

Views: 162     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-21      Origin: Site

FUJISTAR Elevator solutions provider, said Thursday it developed a new type of lift that can be summoned by a foot movement.

The company, who commanded more than 45 percent of the domestic market in 2013, said the New Year model is the first of its kind in the world to use foot motion detection in operating “machine-roomless elevator (MRL).” The “touchless foot button” system works when sensors pick up foot movement near the elevator’s door and summons the lift to the specific floor without the need to push a button with one’s fingers. This can be convenient for people carrying large loads in their hands.

Beside such novel features, the lift can be set up even in a building with the smallest-size elevator shaft in the country and only requires 110-centimeter-deep pit at the bottom of the shaft.

This is important because such characteristics translate into lower construction costs and shorter building time.

“For a nine-person lift, the New Yzer has been able to reduce the shaft size by a maximum 5 percent vis-a-vis other MRLs in the country,” the company said in a press release.

A nine-person lift, is found in many small apartments, and the New Yzer can use a shaft that is 185cm wide and 157cm in length.

Besides making the lift shaft more compact, STAR Elevator Group incorporated an LCD smart indicator panel to give users a clearer basic information on the elevator’s movement. It can be installed with closed-circuit TV cameras and comes with clean-air filters, as well as ultrasonic insect repellents to keep out mosquitoes and flies.

Moving Safely Without Touching

FUJISTAR Elevator is helping to create cleaner and safer people-spaces by reducing the need to make skin-to-surface contacts whenever they’re in elevator, escalators, and moving walks. Thanks to our Clean Moving Solutions, you can now go wherever you want without any need for skin-to-surface contact.


1. Motion Call Button

Buttons that recognize your up and down hand movements without touching them.

2. Touchless Button

Sensor-type buttons call an elevator without anyone having to touch it.

3. Touchless Foot Button

Does the same thing using a sensor recognition technology installed under the hallway button.

4. Smart Indicator

This advanced-level display device includes information on current floors and power saving, while also operating air purifier and pest control functions.

5. Anti-Virus Handrail

A handrail that uses state-of-the-art antiviral materials to block over 99% of bacterial buildups and prevent further growth.

6. Air Touch

Air Touch to enable passengers to enter destination floors without having to press any buttons and prevent the transmission of infectious diseases and contamination through touch.

Think of Sustainable Mobility

Motion Call Button

FUJISTAR Elevator has come up with a special motion recognition system that allows people to communicate with an elevator’s buttons by moving their hands up and down, ensuring the ultimate in safety and hygiene.

Touchless Button

The button is especially suitable for places like hospitals, because it performs so well at preventing the spread of viruses and infections. It can be used in conjunction with both the inside and the hallway buttons of an elevator, and works much better than antibacterial films.

Touchless Foot Button

This safe and hygienic, non-contact function allows you to call an elevator with your feet using a sensor recognition technology installed under the hallway button.


Smart Indicator

The Smart Indicator provides a wide range of smart functions that optimize the safety and cleanliness of an elevator, ranging from a comprehensive display unit that shows the elevator’s current floor, power saving, and CCTV operations to ultrasonic pest control and ozone-free anion air cleaning.


Anti-Virus Handrail

FUJISTAR Elevator’s antiviral handrails eliminate more than 99% of harmful bacteria. This is done by applying antiviral materials to the handrails inside elevator cars, preventing the transmission of harmful substances often found on them.


Air Touch

FUJISTAR Elevator offers Air Touch to enable passengers to enter destination floors without having to press any buttons and prevent the transmission of infectious diseases and contamination through touch.


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